Let's give it up, sad bones
'Cause we all fall on hard times
But you don't have to stand up all alone
Just put your hand in mineClimb on a back that's strong
~ Shawn Colvin, Climb On
Human eyes, predators that we are, face front. All of our humaning — working, cooking, making, parenting, connecting — happens in front of us. Paradoxically then, it is the back of your body that is the source of your physical power and support.
Check it out: the biggest bone is in the back of your foot, the biggest muscles are along the back of your legs and hips, the back muscles, too, are broad and expansive.
Given our forward orientation, we tend to lean forward and out of the support that is naturally there for us. As head and chin and shoulders come forward, the smaller muscles in the front body tighten and contract while they strain to hold the body upright. Meanwhile, all those big muscles at the back get over stretched, weak and/or tight from disuse.
Here are 6 practical ways to build power and connection to the back body plus a bonus for another way of getting support from behind.
Pay attention to how you stand and sit. Are you leaning forward (even a little) so the back of your body can’t support you? Get next to a mirror and sit or stand as you usually do (while looking away from the mirror), and then without moving your body, gently turn your head so you can see your usual posture. Be gentle with yourself. This is simply information so you can make choices with awareness to bring more ease to your body.
Notice how you walk. The power of the human walk comes from pushing off the ball of the foot and letting that push propel you forward. Pay attention to how you usually walk. Notice if you tend to reach forward with your feet, shoulders and head. See if you can play, instead, with feeling the push from your foot, the swing of your leg and let your shoulders and arms relax back.
3. Sink and rise. I mean, really sink and rise. We tend to hesitate to sink into the strength of our legs. Play with using your legs to get down with your bad self. Drop something? Squat down to pick it up. Use the big muscles of your legs whenever you can.
4. Engage your back. Some days, get on the rowing machine instead of the stair stepper. Pull your elbows behind you with your palms facing forward and squeeze/pulse. Get in Plank position (either toes down or knees down) and feel the support from your back hold you in a line. Do some pulling movements with a resistance band, on a weight machine, or in the garden!
5. Open your chest by lying with a foam roller or rolled towel lined up along your spine with your feet flat on the floor. Let your arms spread to the sides and gently let gravity open tight chest muscles.
6. The hip flexor muscles at the front of the hip tighten with repetitive walking and hours of sitting. Open those muscles by stepping one foot back and gently tucking your tail under as you sink. Go gently and let the muscles lengthen. Another option: do a Supported Bridge pose. To do it: lie on your back, feet flat and close to your tail, knees pointed up, legs parallel, shoulders spread on the floor; then press your hips up creating a diagonal line from shoulders to knees. To support the bridge, place a block or firm pillow under your sacrum/hips (not your low back), and rest the flat sacrum bones on the support. Allow muscles to unwind themselves for several minutes.
BONUS: Build a Team of Allies
Think of people who inspire you, people whose lives guide yours. Whether they are people you know or have never met, people who support you directly or by their example. Recruit them to your team of allies. Imagine them standing behind you when you need encouragement or guidance. Call on them when you need strength or support. Ask them for wisdom when you’re not sure what to do next. Your team of allies is another way of getting support from behind.